NUG Society Statutes
The following statutes were accepted at the constituting General Assembly in Frascati-Rome on May 21, 2001.
Society Statutes
Name, Objective and Origin
Article 1
NUG is an international forum to gather the worldwide users of NEC high performance computers with the objectives:
- to meet on a regular basis
- to share experience and ideas
- to identify common problems and to look for solutions
- to define common user needs and strategy
- to initiate cooperation among the users and between the users and NEC Corporation
- to provide a focal point for the user community to formulate their needs and interests and to present them to NEC Corporation for the solution to problems and for the development of their future HPC systems
- to receive advance information by NEC Corporation on their new HPC products
NUG is the successor to the NEC User Group initiative started in the year 1991.
Legal Form and Seat
Article 2
NUG is a Society according to Article 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Law (ZGB). NUG is religiously and politically neutral and is a non-profit organization.
Article 3
NUG has its legal seat and headquarters at Manno-Lugano, Switzerland.
Activities and Means
Article 4
NUG organizes a General Meeting and one or several workshops each year. Participation of guests (non-members) is at the discretion of the organizers.
Article 5
The General Assembly decides on membership fees. The activities of NUG are also financed through donations, sponsoring and through meeting and workshop fees.
Article 6
The organizational structure of NUG consists of
- the General Assembly of members
- the Committee
- two Auditors
The General Assembly
Article 7
The ordinary General Assembly of members is held yearly within six months after the close of the business year, typically on the occasion of the General Meeting. Extraordinary General Assemblies may be called if need be or on request by one fifth of the members. As foreseen by the law, the General Assembly has the ultimate decisive and elective power.
Article 8
The General Assembly is led by the Chairman or, in his absence, by the Vice-Chairman. It votes and elects with a simple majority of the members present. The General Assembly elects the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee and two Auditors. Their term of office is 2 years, and only one consecutive re-election is possible.
At the 34. Meeting for the NUG on the 21st June 2023 there has been a vote for erasing the consecutive re-election clause for the Secretary-Treasurer. This voting has been announced in accordance to Article 11 more than 4 weeks before the general assembly in the official agenda.
The vote has been a majority decision with 17 yes, 0 no and 5 abstentions.
Therefore from the 21st June 2023 the Secretary-Treasurer can be re-elected more than two times.
Article 9
At the ordinary General Assembly the annual report by the Chairman of the Committee, the financial statement by the Secretary-Treasurer and the report by the Auditors shall be presented. By acceptance of these reports and statements, the General Assembly releases the members of the Committee from further liability.
Article 10
The General Assembly furthermore decides upon:
- Complaints against the entire Committee or members of the same
- The use of profits
- Modifications and amendments of these statutes
- Dissolution of the Society
- Any other topic on its agenda
Article 11
Important decisions to be taken by the General Assembly must be announced in the agenda, prepared by the Chairman at least four weeks before the General Assembly.
The Committee
Article 12
The Committee consists of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the additional Committee Members. The Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, and the Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected by the General Assembly. The Committee may appoint from among the Society Members other officers as it deems appropriate. The Committee organizes its own work. In particular, it assigns the duty of the main meeting/workshop organizer separately for each event.
Article 13
The Committee has the following duties:
- Management of the Society
- Execution of the General Assembly’s decisions
- Representation of the Society towards third parties; the Chairman and the Secretary-Treasurer have joint signatory power, in their absence, the Vice-Chairman in the place of the Chairman and another Committee Member in the place of the Secretary-Treasurer have joint signatory power
- Decides upon accepting donations and sponsoring
- Organization of the activities of the Society
- Any other topic which is not a duty of the General Assembly or the Auditors
The Auditors
Article 14
The auditing takes place every year, and the Auditors report their conclusions to the General Assembly.
Article 15
Any individual may be admitted to the NUG Society as a member upon sending to the Chairman an application for membership, and receiving the approval of a majority of the General Assembly members.
Article 16
The Committee may refuse applications for membership without giving a reason for this decision. The General Assembly may terminate a membership without giving a reason for this decision.
Article 17
A member may resign from membership by delivering to the Chairman a written resignation.
Article 18
NUG holds a list of affiliated institutions in a way similar to regular membership. NUG might address NEC by institutional messages qualified by the simple majority of affiliated institutions.
Business Year
Article 19
The business year of the Society corresponds with the calendar year.
Article 20
In case of dissolution of the Society and after payments of all debts and liabilities, the remaining property shall be given to the UNICEF organization.
Frascati-Rome, 21 May 2001
signed by Chariman (Prof. Dr. M. Resch) & Secretary-Treasurer